Character Sheet

Toy maker Gettorio Galla never worked much with metal and clockworks, usually preferring fabric and wood for his loving creations. However, he can recognize fine craftwork when he sees it, and when a traveling tinsmith passing through Egorian showed him their latest creation—a tin clockwork wizard that could shoot real sparks from its hands—Gettorio purchased the novel toy right away. Unfortunately, many of the city’s parents found the toy too dangerous for their children, so the tin wizard sat on Gettorio’s shelves after being returned a few times due to minor accidents or overprotective worry.

Time passed, and the innate magic of Gettorio’s shop, The Terrific Toybox, brought the tin wizard to life, like so many other toys. Upon gaining sentience, The Tin Wizard began to learn the magical arts. He taught himself by devouring tome after tome that Gettorio brought to him from various markets and academies throughout Egorian. His form gave him purpose, and his purpose drove him to learn: to discover more about the Toybox’s magic, about poppets, and about how to best use the wizardry welling up from within himself. He finally felt truly alive when he was able to master the spark of magic.

The first magic The Tin Wizard was able to manifest came from the sparking mechanism built into his hand. He focused and amplified that energy into an arc of electricity that set a small pile of nearby stuffing on fire. Luckily, Gettorio was on hand to douse the smoldering cotton. While concerned, Gettorio couldn’t be more proud to see his creation living up to his potential and feeling happy and satisfied for the first time since coming to life. From that point on, The Tin Wizard vowed to be more careful with his magical experimentation and soon learned to control other elements beside electricity. He always practiced in a safe location under supervision, and his fellow poppets would cheer him on as he worked his magic. Gettorio cleared out and rearranged a basement storage room to provide a safe place for his creation to experiment without risk of damaging the toy shop proper. He and the other poppets took to calling this repurposed storage room “The Wizard’s Lair” to give it a grandiose name and bolster their learned friend’s confidence. The Tin Wizard loved the additional attention and would put on shows of his talents to entertain the inhabitants of The Terrific Toybox.

The Tin Wizard decided against giving himself an actual name, as he finds his straightforward moniker to be more than enough. After all, it’s descriptive and true. Another name would only complicate matters.

Playing The Tin Wizard

The Tin Wizard is fairly perceptive and quite intelligent. He isn’t afraid to point out details about the current situation, usually stating them as obvious facts. He has led a sheltered life, though, and all of his knowledge comes from books.

  • Tin isn’t the strongest or sturdiest metal, so The Tin Wizard is more than happy to leave tasks of a more physically demanding nature to his allies.
  • The Tin Wizard is fascinated with all things magical and sometimes gets distracted by minutiae or becomes obsessed with learning something new once he’s aware that it is something to add to his repertoire.

Combat: As a spellcaster specializing in battle magic, The Tin Wizard favors magic that deals damage and adores effects that are flashy as much as they are destructive. If he wants to attack multiple creatures that are close enough to one another, he will cast breathe fire or electric arc. He can also use Reach Spell to cast thunderstrike at a distance of 30 feet, which is especially helpful when he can’t (or doesn’t want to) get within immediate striking distance of an enemy. If he wants to guarantee damage and is in a safe position, he will use all three of his actions to cast force barrage. He also has a backup scroll of that spell if push comes to shove. If his magic isn’t working, The Tin Wizard falls back on physical weapons as a last resort.

When it comes to defense, The Tin Wizard employs Energy Ablation before casting a spell that deals energy damage (gaining resistance to that energy equal to the spell’s level) if he believes his foes might deal the same type of energy damage to him. He can also cast shield for a +1 circumstance bonus to his Armor Class and give himself the opportunity to use the Shield Block reaction if he does get hit.

Exploration Mode: Using his innate ability to sense the arcane, The Tin Wizard Detects Magic as the group explores. If he locates something magical, he typically asks the group to investigate further. If he believes the item is fairly commonplace, he uses his Assurance (Arcana) skill feat to fully identify the nearby magic without rolling, receiving a total of 14 on the skill check.

When about to head into a dangerous situation, The Tin Wizard casts mystic armor to gain a +1 item bonus to his Armor Class. This bonus isn’t figured into his statistics, but since this effect lasts all day and he has the spell prepared, it should be one of the first things The Tin Wizard does in this adventure.

Healing: The Tin Wizard has a couple of minor healing potions that he can use when in a tight spot.

Other Characters

Cutie Killstuff: The way that Cutie’s intense rage merges with their cheerful personality is equally fascinating and terrifying.

Hellpup: Instead of a book, the stuffed hellhound prepares their spells from their leathery bat familiar of all things! You understand how that works in theory, but it seems quite unusual in practice. However, they’ve taught you a thing or two about religion in the past, so they must be doing something right.

Marcella the Marionette: The former thief seems obsessed with her own ideas of justice. The universe doesn’t really run on those principles, but you have to admire her fervor.

Windup Poppet

You’re made primarily of soft metals, such as tin or silver, and your life force dwells within an exceptional array of clockworks deep in your body. Provided you wind metal tabs on your body a few times each day, you don’t need food or water to survive. You must still breathe to ventilate your internal mechanisms and sleep to give your mechanisms rest, just like other poppets.

Shiny Button Eyes

You’ve polished your eyes to reflect the smallest details in dimmest light. You gain the Canny Acumen skill feat as a bonus feat, but you must choose Perception . Additionally, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Perception checks against visual illusions.