
Egorian is the capital city of the devil-worshipping nation of Cheliax, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t whimsy to be found there. While the many buildings situated within Egorian’s newer districts—including several temples to Asmodeus—are topped with gothic towers and iron spikes, the structures in the city’s older sections are less imposing, with simple stone walls and thatched roofs. The quaintest location in these cozy neighborhoods is a locally famous toyshop called The Terrific Toybox. Owned by toy maker Gettorio Galla, the establishment has an interesting secret: the building was constructed atop an underground source of occult magic that occasionally seeps up into the basement workshop and brings Gettorio’s toys to life as poppets!

Like his mother before him and her father before her, Gettorio knows that his creations sometimes come to life, though he doesn’t fully understand the cause. Most of these poppets go out into the larger world to lead full lives, but some remain at The Terrific Toybox as permanent residents. Gettorio is happy to share his home with those he considers his children. In return, the poppets keep the shop clean, run small errands, and even keep watch over the establishment at night.

Not long ago, corrupt banker and diabolic dabbler Baron Falgrimous Vreen discovered The Terrific Toybox’s secret. The greedy man wanted the power for himself and so he exploited a loophole in Egorian’s property laws to acquire the rights to the land the toyshop was built on. In a display of utter contempt, Vreen served Gettorio his eviction notice in person, showing the toy maker the land deed as proof of his legal standing. Little did Vreen realize that several poppets—quite loyal to Gettorio—witnessed the interaction and began to formulate a plan to retrieve the deed before The Terrific Toybox is shuttered forever!

The Great Toy Heist is a short adventure for 2nd-level characters that gives players a chance to try out one of Golarion’s rare ancestries. This adventure takes a band of poppet heroes on a dangerous mission to prove themselves and save their home—the very place that gave them life! The four pregenerated characters also provide a quick way to jump right into this exciting adventure! Grab your friends, grab some dice, and play the role of Golarion’s newest adorable heroes!