Book 1: The Seventh Arch
Chapter 1: Mighty Oaks Do Fall
We start in the rebel arches with the captive Oaksteward, Koramona.
After camping for the night, we healed fully from the energies of the gateways. In the morning we set off to find Bolan at the Greenleaf Forest House (a multilevel residence consisting of platforms). There are two guards at the entrance.
Shylock and Kalathal take the bound Koramona towards the front gate and intimidate the one guard to come to gather her as a prisoner. The second guard attacks from cover but his snake, Cucumber, stays in hiding. After Kalathal slayed the first guard where he stood, Zephrym swept the group forward and they dispatched the snake and the last guard.
Continuing forward , ever upward, the group entered a workshop. Moving quickly they dispatched 2 Gimples and a Gremlin, but not before Kalathal get smacked in the head with a rock. After checking for traps, the group moved up the spiral staircase to the next level.
Once through the doorway, Shylock tried to talk to a Druid and her fox but was almost killed by the fox. Kalathal slaughtered the Druid as the fox began to fade before the groups eyes. Zephrym and Sammakko both struck the fox before it moved away and faded completely from sight. The group readied for the fox’s attack and Shylock got his revenge with a Daze blast that ended the fox’s reign of terror.
Heading up to the smaller platform, Shylock was blasted with water from the a trap. This caused him to promptly turn around, shut the door, and then tell the group not to open the door. Zephrym used his elemental wind powers to cut the rope connecting the trapped water room to the other large platform.
The group went to the large western platform and encountered a dream spider and dwarf Druid. Using his lightening, Zephrym shocked the dwarf and Sammakko telekinetically finished him with an Erlenmeyer flask. Kalathal engaged the dream spider, and while he was able to hurt it, the spider bit him and poisoned it. After Zephrym killed the spider, Shylock administered medical and magical aid to help the Thaumaturge overcome the poison.
In the next room, Sammakko finds the gnomes and, after finding where Bolan is located in the next room, the group frees gnomes and their leader Parva.
Sammakko initiated combat with Bolan and his Leshy “roommate”, stepping through the door to Parva’s chamber. The battle was pitched, with the group taking significant damage, but Sunward was finally put down and a group heal kept Shylock and Kalathal in the game. Bolan would not go down easy though his “roommate” was gone. Lightening lashed, torrents of air blasted, and esoteric blades slashed at the fallen Druid, but he managed to continue on. Sammakko was brought low by the Druids fell attacks before Kalathal grappled the villain and Bolan surrendered.