Character Sheet

Cutie is the oldest of the living poppets brought to life by the magic of The Terrific Toybox. First constructed as a large and adorable stuffed bunny rabbit by Gettorio Galla, Cutie holds a lot of sentimental value for the toy maker. He has claimed that Cutie isn’t “good enough” to sell and that he has “perfected” his craft since then, but in reality, he considers the stuffed toy the shop’s mascot. His love for Cutie infused them with life force, and now, the poppet helps keep the shop safe and introduces newly created poppets to their home.

Cutie has a bubbly personality that befits their name, but they take their role as shop guardian very seriously. They have a wellspring of anger just under their fuzzy surface that they can tap into when necessary. Though this rage allows Cutie to hit harder and shrug off a few wounds, it doesn’t fundamentally alter their personality. Cutie doesn’t dwell on these reserves outside of necessity and knows that it can be off-putting to others when they fly into one of these rages. They sometimes apologize too much after one of these rageful expressions, trying to comfort their companions lest they be scared of them.

This rage first manifested when Cutie wasn’t paying enough attention the night that a cruel father broke into the toyshop to steal a stuffed leather hellhound called Hellpup. His intent was to snatch it and dispose of the toy so that his daughter would stop asking to visit the shop each day to fawn over it. Cutie spotted the figure of the father leaving via the front door he broke in through, but since nothing else had been taken, they didn’t think much of the strange event. The next day, Gettorio quickly noticed that Hellpup was missing and was frightened and distraught.

Cutie stewed on their failure for a few hours and then, exhibiting the positive attitude they’re known for, set out into Egorian’s streets to find the missing stuffed animal. Though Gettorio warned them it might be next to impossible, Cutie was undeterred. Perhaps they sensed a connection with Hellpup, who was, at almost the same time, gaining sentience as a poppet. For the next few days, Cutie stalked through the city’s alleys, looking for any sign of the lost toy­­. As hopelessness was about to set in and their spirits began to flag, Cutie was accosted by a pair of Asmodean priests trying to understand why a stuffed bunny was walking around. They called Cutie an “affront” and tried to grab the poppet. That’s when Cutie snapped.

Moments later, after the haze of anger dissipated, the poppet saw what they had done. The two priests lay in a heap of bruised flesh and broken bones, moaning in pain. Cutie looked up to see a Hellknight standing at the mouth of the alley, and before the poppet could say anything in their defense, he dropped his large sword and fled. Cutie scooped up the weapon and fran off to continue their search. As they went, they came to terms with what they had done. Cutie wouldn’t let this rage change who they were; it was simply a part of themself, no different than their floppy ears or fuzzy tail.

It took another day for Cutie to track down Hellpup, who had been living in the urban wilds since coming to life. The hellhound was cornered by a small pack of feral dogs. Cutie recognized the toy right away, brandished their newfound sword, and let out an intimidating scream to scare off the canines. Such a display would have likely terrified the young Hellpup were it not followed by Cutie’s bright smile and friendly manner. Cutie was able to bring Hellpup back to The Terrific Toyshop, and the two have been close friends ever since.

Playing Cutie Killstuff

Cutie Killstuff is always joyful and upbeat, even while in the throes of their rage. They offer encouragement to their fellow poppets and thrill in their successes with a hearty cheer or two. They are a true friend, through and through. Even being wounded doesn’t get this stuffed animal down.

  • Though Cutie might seem to have a childlike sense of wonder about everything, they aren’t naïve. They aren’t easily fooled by simple tricks or deceptions.
  • Woe to anyone who crosses or insults Cutie or their friends. Such foes are quickly introduced to Cutie’s big sword, “Mr. Stabs.”

Combat: Cutie usually Rages on the first round of combat, granting them 4 temporary Hit Points and allowing them to deal 2 additional damage with their bastard sword Strikes, though this imposes a –1 penalty to their AC. They can’t voluntarily stop Raging, but the effects last for 1 minute, until there are no more perceivable enemies, or until Cutie falls unconscious, whichever comes first. If the nearest enemy is too far away, Cutie uses Sudden Charge to close the distance and Strike. Otherwise, they attempt to Demoralize a foe within 30 feet (which they can do with an intense glare) or apply their oil of potency to their blade (if the foe looks particularly dangerous) before attacking. If an enemy looks to be on their last legs, Cutie considers using Furious Finish to end their Rage and deal additional damage to put the fight to an end. Though Cutie prefers to use “Mr. Stabs,” they won’t shy away from hurling a javelin at enemies that are out of reach.

With the Combat Climber and Quick Jump skill feats, Cutie can traverse most terrains during a fight without too much difficulty, closing gaps in a moment’s time.

Exploration Mode: Cutie Killstuff knows to keep an eye out for danger, Scouting to provide the crew a +1 circumstance bonus to their next Initiative rolls if a fight breaks out.

Healing: Cutie doesn’t have a way to heal themself or others in battle. They usually hope the temporary health they receive when they Rage is enough, but they’re always grateful when receiving healing.

Other Characters

Hellpup: With their silly tail and big button eyes, Hellpup is just so adorable! The leaky stuffing and awkward way they waddle around on their four stuffed legs just makes the package all that more wonderful. And the way they protect their little bat friend is pretty cute too. Hellpup is one of Cutie’s first friends from the toy shop, and retrieving them was Cutie’s first adventure on the streets of Egorian.

Marcella the Marionette: When the mastermind behind the heist sees an opportunity, she isn’t afraid to take it, especially in a fight. Good for her! It’s an admirable trait to have in someone fighting on your side, even if she gets very serious (and somewhat scary) when planning things.

The Tin Wizard: The Tin Wizard shouldn’t consider himself so fragile. He surely has reserves of strength inside of him that even he might not know about, and he should know that you’ll protect him with all your might should anyone try to hurt him.

Stuffed Poppet

You have little inside you other than cotton, sawdust, or dried leaves. You take no damage from falling, regardless of the distance you fall.

Wash Out

Toxins seep out of your artificial body quickly. Each time you succeed at a Fortitude save against an ongoing poison, you reduce its stage by 2, or by 1 against a virulent poison. Each critical success you achieve against an ongoing poison reduces its stage by 3, or by 2 against a virulent poison.