Book 1: The Seventh Arch
Chapter 1: Mighty Oaks Do Fall
Learned the following at the Honeybrush Cabaret
Kerr Woodsong (barkeep):
Gorga (Shadow beasts) have been hunting close to town and Oakstewards (OS) have put 2 stewards to guard and a screaming rope.
Seven sisters gang is the bad gang that is dangerous, may have connection to OS
Underbrush is the militia of town but don’t seem to have as much power as the OS
We went to the arches to talk with the OS as well as check out the gates. Shylock and Zephrym distracted one guard while Sam engaged the other, while Kalathel used the aura recorder to determine if the gates are real. The aura recorder lit up and we headed back to Dr Ritalson. The Arches are FAKE!!!
The real Arches are in the Wilewood and the OS won’t let people go there. One of the druids, Bolan, went through the gates but when he came back has been changed in a bad way. He is in the Wilewood after stealing an artifact, he has been sending OS to bother people.
OS stay in the Vinehall and we are sent by the Dr to find Lemma who is a high ranking OS. We have a letter of introduction.
Lemma tells us that:
1) Bolan stole the Shade Wither Key for the 7th arch which she is afraid he will use for a dark ritual during the next full moon in 2 days time
2) She tells us where the Arch is and will give us a pass that lets us move through out the region unimpeded.
She gave us horses and asked that we disrupt the ritual, whatever it may be, and bring back the Bolan. She agrees to give us 20 gold now and 20 gold when we come back because of Sam’s distrust.
Kalathel tells us that Gorgas are made of shadow and not to look them in the eye or you will be turned to stone.
Shylock has a scary dream about being watched
When we arrived, we see shadows filling the area of the gates and a unicorn bound in the center. A wall of shadow blocks us from the gates.
Gorgas attack! They cannot turn you to stone but they can bite your shadow. BAD DOGS!!! Kalathel dispatches them with help.
The group rests and heals while they play. Shylock used his mystical ability to dispel the shadow wall that blocked the group from the gates. Then the group engaged the savage druids. They are defeated except for Koramona who surrenders and tells us that the unicorn sacrifice is to renew the curse that kills elves.
Shylock frees the unicorn which attacked the group before running away. Koramona lets them know that Bolan is at the well guarded hideout. She says that she can lead us there but Bolan will know that we are coming. He has fey and leshies who guard him.